How to use PackageDigitalSignatureManager to sign the existing SignatureLine in

Home Forums Open-Xml-Sdk How to use PackageDigitalSignatureManager to sign the existing SignatureLine in

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  dgavrilov 7 years, 4 months ago.

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  • #7042


    Hello all,

    I have problem with signing the DOCX file which already has SignatureLine.

    Everytime, Word shows me that I added second signature and it is not correct.

    I tried to find answer in the Internet, for now I found only this article from

    here which shows how it should be done.

    It shows that I should create DataObject, and set the SignatureLine Id to the SetupId.

    I tried it, and I have same results. The new signature is added, which is not correct. The Signature Line stays not changed.

    Can you please assist with an example or suggestion, what I should do to get it working.

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