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.NET library for creating, querying, and modifying Open XML documents, spreadsheets, and presentations.
- Tutorial: Manipulating Content in a WordprocessingML Document
- Generating Documents from SharePoint with Open XML Content Controls
- Generating Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
- How to Extract Comments from Open XML Documents
- Open XML SDK and LINQ to XML
- Using the Open XML SDK and LINQ to XML to Remove Comments from an Open XML Wordprocessing Document
- Using the Open XML SDK and LINQ to XML to Remove Personal Information from an Open XML Wordprocessing Document
- Using LINQ to XML to Retrieve Content Controls in Word 2007
- OpenXmlCodeTester: Validating Code in Open XML Documents
- Creating Data-Bound Content Controls using the Open XML SDK and LINQ to XML
- How to Use altChunk for Document Assembly
- Inserting / Deleting / Moving Paragraphs in Open XML Wordprocessing Documents
- Remove Rsid Attributes and Elements before Comparing Open XML Documents
- Using LINQ to Query Excel Tables
- Inner Join of Two Excel Tables
- Joining LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Excel
- A More Robust Approach for Handling XName Objects in LINQ to XML
- Move/Insert/Delete Paragraphs in Word Processing Documents using the Open XML SDK
- Finding Paragraphs by Style Name or Content in an Open XML Word Processing Document
- Interrelated Markup in Open XML Word Processing Documents
- Generalized Approach to Open XML Markup References
- Comparison of altChunk to the DocumentBuilder Class
- Using DocumentBuilder with Content Controls for Document Assembly
- Comparison of Navigating Parts between System.IO.Packaging and the Open XML SDK
- Splitting Runs in Open XML Word Processing Document Paragraphs
- Comparing Two Open XML Documents using the Zip Extension Method
- Transforming Open XML Word-Processing Documents to XHtml
- Transforming Open XML Word-Processing Documents to XHtml (Post #2)
- Transforming Open XML Word-Processing Documents to Html (Post #3)
- Open XML WordprocessingML Style Inheritance (Post #4)
- Comparison of Html/CSS Tables to WordprocessingML Tables (Post #5)
- Assembling Paragraph and Run Properties for Cells in an Open XML WordprocessingML Table
- Accepting Revisions in Open XML Word-Processing Documents
- Implementing ‘Inheritance’ in XML
- Working with Numbering in Open XML WordprocessingML
- Accepting Revisions in Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
- Using the SharePoint Foundation 2010 Managed Client Object Model with the Open XML SDK 2.0
- Simplifying Open XML WordprocessingML Queries by First Accepting Revisions
- Writing Entity References using LINQ to XML
- Inserting Content That Contains Images Using altChunk
- Working with In-Memory Open XML Documents
- Enabling Better Transformations by Simplifying Open XML WordprocessingML Markup
- Retrieving the Default Style Name of an Open XML WordprocessingML Document
- ListItemRetriever: Accurately Retrieving Text of a Open XML WordprocessingML Paragraph
- Working with Numbered Lists in Open XML WordprocessingML
- Transforming WordprocessingML to Simpler XML for Easier Processing
- Validate Open XML Documents using the Open XML SDK 2.0
- Reducing Connaissance (Interconnectedness) and Increasing Robustness using LINQ
- Formats Supported for altChunk
- Modifying an Open XML Document in a SharePoint Document Library
- Testing for Base Styles in Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
- Using Content Controls to give Semantic Meaning to Content in Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
- Transforming Open XML WordprocessingML to XHTML Using the Open XML SDK 2.0
- Using the Open XML SDK from within a Managed Add-In
- Identifying Open XML Word-Processing Documents with Tracked Revisions
- Mastering Text in Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
- Developing with SharePoint 2010 Word Automation Services
- Processing all Content Parts in an Open XML WordprocessingML Document
- Table Markup in Open XML SpreadsheetML
- Creating Open XML WordprocessingML Tables with Vertically Merged Cells
- Generating Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
- Using a WordprocessingML Document as a Template in the Document Generation Process
- More Enhancements to the Document Template
- A Super-Simple Template System
- Video of use of Document Generation Example
- Release of V1 of Simple DOCX Generation System
- Getting Started with Open XML PowerTools Markup Simplifier
- Changing the Schema for this Open XML Document Generation System
- Generating Open XML WordprocessingML Documents using XPath Expressions in Content Controls
- Importing HTML that contains numbering using altChunk
- Updating Data for an Embedded Chart in an Open XML WordprocessingML Document
- Replacing a Picture in a Picture Content Control in an Open XML WordprocessingML Document
- Release of V2 of Doc Gen System: XPath in Content Controls
- Update Data behind an embedded Chart in an Open XML WordprocessingML Document
- How to Solve Open XML Developer Problems
- How to Insert a Page Break between Imported Content
- Iterating through all Content Controls in an Open XML WordprocessingML Document
- How to Create Protected Spreadsheets with Locked and Unlocked Cells
- Change the Schema for Simple Free Doc Generation System
- Open XML Markup Simplifier Application makes it easier to research WordprocessingML
- In-Depth Exploration of WordprocessingML Fields
- In-Depth Exploration of WordprocessingML Fields – Part 2
- Retrieving Fields in Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
- Screen-cast: Exploring Margins in Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
- Exploring Margins in Open XML WordprocessingML Documents
- Using XML DOM to Detect Tracked Revisions in an Open XML WordprocessingML Document
- Using XML DOM to Detect Tracked Revisions in an Open XML WordprocessingML Document
- Search and Replace Text in an Open XML WordprocessingML Document
- Open XML Presentation Generation using a Template Presentation
- Using Open XML WordprocessingML Documents as Data Sources