Archive for SpreadsheetML

Query Open XML Spreadsheets in VB.NET using LINQ

I’ve put together a screen-cast that shows how to query an Open XML spreadsheet using LINQ from VB.NET.  If you are using VB, this is a super-easy way to extract data from SpreadsheetML.

You can find the code at

Shows how to query an Open XML spreadsheet from VB.NET using LINQ


Exploring Table Markup in Open XML SpreadsheetML

I’ve written a blog post and recorded a screen-cast around table markup in SpreadsheetML.  It is pretty easy to create a worksheet, populate cells in the worksheet, and then convert the cells to a table.  Tables in Excel 2010, as you probably know, look like this:


Here is the screen-cast that explains table markup, and walks through creation of a small Open XML SDK program that converts ordinary SpreadsheetML cells into a table:

Explores table markup, and walks through creating an Open XML SDK program to convert cells into a table.

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Creating an Open XML Protected Spreadsheet with Locked and Unlocked Cells

Today, in response to a question at, I put together a 7 minute screen-cast that shows how to create a protected spreadsheet with locked and unlocked cells.  Similar to the screen-cast that I presented in How to Research Open XML Markup, this screen-cast also is a good example of the approach that I take to research Open XML markup.

Explores the markup necessary to create a protected spreadsheet with locked and unlocked cells.

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