I am using DocumentFormat.openxml dll and refered the below link to to create a powerpoint presentation.
Issue : Unable to change the slide size to 16×9 ratio.
I could change the dimensions and size manually but Powerpoint is not set to 16×9.
SlideSize slideSize1 = new SlideSize() { Cx = 12191085, Cy = 6858432, Type = SlideSizeValues.Screen16x9 };
Similarly, I can set the animation effect to “Wheel” but in the powerpoint, the animation still shows as “fade”.
AnimateEffect animateEffect1 = new AnimateEffect() { Transition = AnimateEffectTransitionValues.In, Filter = “wheel(1)” };
Note: If i run the slide show then wheel animation is coming.
What am i missing or is it a known issue/behavior of the openxml.