Combining multiple PPTX files into a single file using PresentationBuilder-issue

Home Forums Open-Xml-PowerTools Combining multiple PPTX files into a single file using PresentationBuilder-issue

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  alex.vinokikj 7 years, 10 months ago.

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  • #4327


    Hi there,

    I’m using OpenXMl Power Tools for combining multiple pptx files into a single files. But sometimes slides in the built presentation are not same as original ones. The elements on them are enlarged or reduced.

    Example of reduced elements (see slide #2):!Ag1kK3U84USSjlAaC4xYxjoVxpj-

    Here is how it looks like if the slides are merged in different order (elements on slide #2 are enlarged now):!Ag1kK3U84USSjk_3pp9Zu4QFXpWt

    I’m using the following code in order to merge the slides into one file:

     var slides = new List<OpenXmlPowerTools.SlideSource>();
    foreach (var slidePath in slidePaths)
         slides.Add(new OpenXmlPowerTools.SlideSource(new OpenXmlPowerTools.PmlDocument(slidePath), true));
    OpenXmlPowerTools.PresentationBuilder.BuildPresentation(slides, presentationPath);

    where, slidePaths is List of physical paths of the slides need to be combined, and presentationPath is the path where the new file should be saved.

    Does anyone know why is this happening and how this can be fixed?

    P.S. Following are the links for downloading the slides:!Ag1kK3U84USSjk3up5tJsLmh_ZDQ!Ag1kK3U84USSjk6by8XOkAWsjIMN
    Thanks in Advance,


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