Create a new powerpoint document from a slide .

Home Forums PresentationML Create a new powerpoint document from a slide .

This topic contains 3 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Eric White 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi Eric,

    I have a scenario where I want to create a new Powerpoint document from one of the slides from the existing document. Till now I was using DocumentFormat.Openxml functionalities to do other works like shredding objects and creating documents. And now I have to create a new PPT document from one of the slide of the existing document. Is it possible to do it using DocumentFormat.Openxml.

    I want to use the PowerPointBuilderTools but since most of my work I have already done using DocumentFormat.Openxml dll, I was thinking will it be possible to do all the following things using documentformat dll.
    1.Shredding all the objects like SmartArt,Chart,Image ,Tables from Word,Excel and PowerPoint.
    2. Import these objects to a new Document(can be Word,PPT or Excel) without losing the fidelity of the objects.
    3. Should be able to handle the complex objects like Image,SmartArt inside the table.



    Eric White

    You will want to use PresentationBuilder. You would have to duplicate all of the functionality in PresentationBuilder if you intended to use the Open-Xml-Sdk directly.



    Thanks Eric for quick reply.

    There are couple of more question I have 🙂
    1. Wanted to check on the licence issues on using PowerTools.
    2. I am able to see the DocumentBuilder,PowerPointBuilder but no ExcelBuilder ?
    3. I have the scenarios where I have to covert the objects from one format to anther. For eg: I want to import table/smartart from Word Document to PPT Document and vice versa. Is there functionality available in the powertools. Or do I need to extend the functionality for it.


    Eric White

    The license is Microsoft Public License, which is not copy-left. Lets you do what you want with the code.

    No, no ExcelBuilder (yet).

    Regarding converting objects from one format to another, my idea is to make HTML/CSS the intermediate format – convert from SpreadsheetML to HTML/CSS, then convert from HTML/CSS to formatted WordprocessingML.

    However, I have not had the opportunity to implement this, and chances are I will not in the foreseeable future. I’m afraid that you will need to implement the functionality that you need yourself.

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