Current SDK?

Home Forums Open-Xml-Sdk-JavaScript Current SDK?

This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  knowtheory 5 years, 8 months ago.

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    I have a need to build a Word document on the fly in SharePoint and I’m considering utilizing the OpenXML SDK for javascript. I’ve used the .NET OpenXML library to build Word documents from scratch, so I’m familiar with the concepts. I’ve just noticed that there isn’t a lot of recent activity on these forums and wanted to see if this SDK has been supplanted by something newer.


    Eric White

    There has been no development activity on the Open-Xml-Sdk for JavaScript for several years. I am unaware of any new tools for writing Open XML code using JavaScript. Sorry, I wish I had a better answer for you, but I do not.



    Thanks for the quick reply!

    What’s the URL to access the latest version of the library?



    For others who may stumble into this thread, I’ve been using to do some light docx generation. It’s not feature complete but it does a decent job. (it’s lack of feature completeness is the reason i’m kicking around fora looking for other examples of other tools that are more complete).

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