Dedupe the shredded objects

Home Forums PresentationML Dedupe the shredded objects

This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Eric White 8 years, 11 months ago.

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    Hi Eric,

    I was working on shredding objects from powerpoint document and want to dedupe these objects. For images I can see that you are trying to keep in a list and dedupe them if they are already extracted. Can you suggest me any way I can do something to dedupe for charts,smartart or any objects. One option I was thinking that if I can get the hash of the object stream maybe, it might works but scenarios like where two identical objects have different position then the hash will not be same for these two object. Let me know if you know something by which I can compare the objects.


    Eric White

    I have no experience with this. PresentationBuilder, which was the most ambitious project I have taken on with PresentationML, works at the granularity of a slide. This is, I think, the code you are referring to when noting that I keep a list of images. This was implemented because many presentations reuse the same image on many slides, and without deduplicating images, the presentation gets too big.

    But I have never looked into de-duplicating other objects.

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