Docx to HTML fontsize

Home Forums Open-Xml-PowerTools Docx to HTML fontsize

This topic contains 4 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  irogers 8 years, 9 months ago.

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    I am using Open-Xml-PowerTools v 4.1.3 to convert a docx file to HTML. It works really well except it seems the font size and spacing is much smaller when rendering the HTML. Is this to do with point-size definition? Is there a setting I can change to get a corrected conversion?



    Eric White

    Hi Ian,

    What font size do you see when you look at the document in Word? And what font size do you see in the CSS?

    If, after looking at the font sizes, the numbers do not match up, if you like you can post the file on dropbox or onedrive, and I will take a look.

    Cheers, Eric



    Hi Eric,

    I looked at the style info in the generated HTML file and font size are the same. It is just Word’s rendering of the HTML file that looks funny. If I load in Chrome and print in PDF it looks good.

    Great tool. Is there any way of dealing keeping OpenXML page breaks when printing?



    Eric White

    Hi Ian,

    No, WmlToHtmlConverter does not deal with sections, headers, footers, or page breaks. This is, by the way, the most requested feature for this module. However, it is a large project, and is not currently on my schedule.

    Cheers, Eric



    Cheers, thanks for the info

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