Generic Approach to generate doc from template

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  • #7261

    Hi Eric,

    I need to generate a word document from template ad update value in the content control.

    I understand word template can have content control which can be updated using Open XML problematically.

    How can make this generic so that for any template our application/library/API fetch corresponding data from data source and bind to word document crated from template.

    You have explained Document Assembler that takes docx and xml data to create new document.
    Table can be identified with corresponding list/table. but simple label, date is only mapped to column and how to map this to a table and row.

    I assume that one content control is used as wrapper over simple control to find the table and condition can be give in that xml as attribute.

    you also given, how to query content control in document in XML format

    is there any best approach to convert these information into SQL Query

    Should I have to write custom code by iterating the XML to get the data and form the XML data to bind.

    Please advise.


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