How do i use openXML SDK for javascipt With Office.Js

Home Forums Open-Xml-Sdk-JavaScript How do i use openXML SDK for javascipt With Office.Js

This topic contains 2 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  ameyabap 8 years, 4 months ago.

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    Hello Everyone,
    I am trying to create a Excel Addin using office.js and description of the task is given on the link that i posted on stackoverflow. Now what i am trying to do is to get the task done using openxml javascript sdk to read data from excel file.

    Stackoverflow link:


    Eric White

    I have created a couple of JavaScript add-ins for Office, but to date, have only done so for Word, so have no experience with using the Excel JavaScript API. I am not certain whether there is any JavaScript API for Excel that will return the markup, including formatting, for the selected range. It appears that you can get, for instance, the fill color, the font color, wrapping, etc. for a range.

    But the getSelectedDataSync method (using coercion type of OOXML) only works for Word.

    I don’t believe at this point, you can get the OOXML markup. You have to get the formatting using the APIs.



    Even I have created a office js addin and I need to open existing xlsx/pptx document in excel/powerpoint. Office Js provides a way to open docx document with insertFile. Range.insertFile As you mentioned early on that there is no way to open xlsx/pptx file directly into excel or powerpoint using office js. I am thinking to use open xml sdk to fetch parts from xlsx or pptx doc and put them into empty xlsx or pptx document using setSelectedDataSync().
    Is is possible using your open xml sdk?
    Do you know any other way to load or open existing pptx/xlsx doc into office using office JS?

    THanks in advance..

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by  ameyabap.
    • This reply was modified 8 years, 4 months ago by  ameyabap.
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