Hyperlink fieldcode

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 3 voices, and was last updated by  Myname 6 years, 4 months ago.

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    We have a application where we have to count the length of the fieldcode text for which we are counting the text inside the InstrText tag which is working fine so far. But we are not able to calculate the fieldcode text of the internal hyperlink field. we using below code snippet to manually build instrText of the hyperlink field.

    string HyperlinkFC = string.Empty;
    if (element.Attributes().Any(a => a.Name.LocalName == “anchor”))
    if (element.Attributes().Any(a => a.Name.LocalName == “anchor”))
    string s = @”HYPERLINK \l”;
    HyperlinkFC = string.Format(” {0} \”{1}\” “, s, element.Attribute(W.anchor).Value);
    string fieldvalue = element.Elements(W.r).First() != null ? element.Elements(W.r).First().Value : string.Empty;

    Above code is working fine for some cases like below:
    {HYPERLINK \l “_Toc165886552”}

    But it is failing for some cases where there is a single character white space inside the Hypertext fieldcode in the begining and end as below

    { HYPERLINK \l “_Toc165886552” }

    Please help it is very urgent.

    Thanks in advance,


    Eric White

    Hi Manu,

    The exact format of the text of field codes is defined in the Open XML standard. You must be prepared for those beginning and ending spaces.

    I believe that there is a grammar for the text of fields, if I remember correctly, so should be possible to build a small parser for it.




    Thanks you very much Eric,

    Could you please help me to create that parser, it will be very helpful.




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