Hyphenated word in LI does not convert to word

Home Forums Open-Xml-PowerTools Hyphenated word in LI does not convert to word


This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  gamartin 8 years, 3 months ago.

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    Using the HTMLToWMLConverter, if we have hyphenated words, i.e. twenty-five, in a <LI>, where the hyphen is just that a hyphen (not a n-dash/m-dash) then the hyphen is converted as a white square. Hyphens anywhere else in the content (i.e. not in an list item) are properly converted, as are &ndash; and &mdash; as well as strings that include spaces before and after the hyphen.

    Can you think of a relatively easy way to convert these properly? This is a bit of a showstopper for us at this time, so any help is appreciated.



    • This topic was modified 8 years, 3 months ago by  gamartin.

    Eric White

    Hi Garth,

    Can you please upload somewhere the smallest possible html file that exhibits this issue? Would be helpful for you to be very explicit about what you expect to see.

    I will add this HTML file to the test files, add an XUnit test for it, and research. Probably is easy to fix.

    Thanks, Eric



    Hi Eric: I was about to re-post a response to this. I discovered that the original source we were using to populate the system contained non-breaking hyphens (‑) which I was not aware of.

    If have replaced all of these with regular hyphens and all works well. During the course of the investigation I discovered that it was not necessarily restricted to the LI elements either.

    Thanks for the quick response,


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