Importing Table from Excel to Word.

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This topic contains 3 replies, has 4 voices, and was last updated by  Dev 4 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi Eric,

    I have an scenario where we want to import excel table to word . Maybe either as openxml or as html. Can you let me know if there is already a way I can get it done. Maybe if we can convert it in html and then use it to insert into word.



    Eric White

    Hi Prince,

    I believe that the best approach is to convert to HTML, and then convert to DOCX using HtmlToWmlConverter, a module in Open-Xml-PowerTools.

    To convert your XLSX to HTML, you might start with the SmlDataRetriever module in Open-Xml-PowerTools. This module retrieves the data from a named range, a table, or a range, and outputs XML that includes the display value and the formatting information.

    SmlDataRetriever: Better Approach for Retrieving Spreadsheet Data

    Cheers, Eric



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    Hi Eric,
    I do not know if this issue is discussed before. I have a Spreadsheetdocument created from a stream. I am trying to preview the excel file on the browser. For that, I am converting the Spreadsheet document to HTML, with the help of SmlDataRetriver. I could not find any documentation on how to proceed further using SmlToHtmlConverter.
    htmlText = SmlToHtmlConverter.ConvertTableToHtml(document, new SmlToHtmlConverterSettings(), “Sheet1”).ToString();
    This is giving me an error
    ArgumentException: Table not found
    Parameter name: tableName
    Can you please help me with this.

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