There was a period of time where I was the maintainer of the Open-Xml-Sdk, and we never completed the engineering to enable reliable use on Linux. I know that some devs have gotten it to work, and in some cases have written significant programs, however, I don’t know the details.
At the time, I determined that the highest priority project was (a) complete the re-write of System.IO.Packaging because the old version was unreliable, and (b) create a large set of XUnit tests, with the idea that if those tests ran in Linux, we could be certain that the SDK on Linux was operating properly. However, before I could get on to the port to Linux, the folks at Microsoft decided to go a different direction WRT the Open-Xml-Sdk. I am no longer the maintainer of it.
I have had thoughts about the best way forward, but that project has not risen to the top of the heap.
Cheers, Eric