Issue with sizing embedded Excel objects
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This topic contains 1 reply, has 2 voices, and was last updated by Eric White 8 years, 4 months ago.
October 3, 2016 at 3:15 pm #3860
Hi Eric,
I do have a issue with embedding Excel Worksheet objects into Word documents concerning the size of this objects. The size of the embedded object is calculated via the generated emf-picture of object.
The embedded Excel objects are .xlsx-files (also open xml-files).I found a related topic but the issue which is currently unresolved at: Visio Drawings as object are going correctly. So I think it has to do with embedding Excel into Word.
Hereby code snippet for embedding an object:
Dim embeddedObject As EmbeddedObject = New EmbeddedObject() With {.DxaOriginal = widthInTwips.ToString(), .DyaOriginal = heightInTwips.ToString()}
Dim shapetypeId As String = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() ‘”_x0000_t75″
Dim shapetype1 As V.Shapetype = New V.Shapetype() With {.Id = shapetypeId, .CoordinateSize = “21600,21600”, .Filled = False, .Stroked = False, .OptionalNumber = 75, .PreferRelative = True, .EdgePath = “m@4@5L@4@11@9@11@9@5xe”}
Dim stroke1 As V.Stroke = New V.Stroke() With {.JoinStyle = V.StrokeJoinStyleValues.Miter}Dim formulas1 As V.Formulas = New V.Formulas()
Dim formula1 As V.Formula = New V.Formula() With {.Equation = “If lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0”}
Dim formula2 As V.Formula = New V.Formula() With {.Equation = “sum @0 1 0”}
Dim formula3 As V.Formula = New V.Formula() With {.Equation = “sum 0 0 @1”}
Dim formula4 As V.Formula = New V.Formula() With {.Equation = “prod @2 1 2”}
Dim formula5 As V.Formula = New V.Formula() With {.Equation = “prod @3 21600 pixelWidth”}
Dim formula6 As V.Formula = New V.Formula() With {.Equation = “prod @3 21600 pixelHeight”}
Dim formula7 As V.Formula = New V.Formula() With {.Equation = “sum @0 0 1”}
Dim formula8 As V.Formula = New V.Formula() With {.Equation = “prod @6 1 2”}
Dim formula9 As V.Formula = New V.Formula() With {.Equation = “prod @7 21600 pixelWidth”}
Dim formula10 As V.Formula = New V.Formula() With {.Equation = “sum @8 21600 0”}
Dim formula11 As V.Formula = New V.Formula() With {.Equation = “prod @7 21600 pixelHeight”}
Dim formula12 As V.Formula = New V.Formula() With {.Equation = “sum @10 21600 0″}formulas1.Append(formula1)
formulas1.Append(formula12)Dim path1 As V.Path = New V.Path() With {.AllowGradientShape = True, .ConnectionPointType = Ovml.ConnectValues.Rectangle, .AllowExtrusion = False}
Dim lock1 As Ovml.Lock = New Ovml.Lock() With {.Extension = V.ExtensionHandlingBehaviorValues.Edit, .AspectRatio = True}shapetype1.Append(stroke1)
shapetype1.Append(lock1)Dim id As String = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() ‘”_x0000_i1025”
Dim sWidth As String = String.Format(“{0:0.##}”, Convert.TwipsToPoints(widthInTwips))
Dim sHeight As String = String.Format(“{0:0.##}”, Convert.TwipsToPoints(heightInTwips))
Dim sStyle As String = “width:” + sWidth + “pt;height:” + sHeight + “pt”Dim shape1 As V.Shape = New V.Shape() With {.Id = id, .Style = sStyle, .Type = shapetypeId} ‘, .Ole = False
Dim imageData1 As V.ImageData = New V.ImageData() With {.Title = “”, .RelationshipId = imagePartEMFid}shape1.Append(imageData1)
Dim oleObject1 As Ovml.OleObject = New Ovml.OleObject() With {.Type = Ovml.OleValues.Embed, .ProgId = progID, .ShapeId = id, .DrawAspect = Ovml.OleDrawAspectValues.Content, .ObjectId = DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString(), .Id = embeddedPartOLEid}
embeddedObject.Append(oleObject1)Dim paragraphForEmbeddedObject As Wordprocessing.Paragraph = New Wordprocessing.Paragraph()
‘Dim run1 As Run = New Run(picture)
Dim runEmbeddedObject As Run = New Run(embeddedObject)‘paragraphForEmbeddedObject.Append(run1)
paragraphForEmbeddedObject.Append(runEmbeddedObject)Return paragraphForEmbeddedObject
As a workaround/hack I can size the embedded Excel-objects via the Word objectmodel as postprocessing (if Word is present), but prever to prevent this workaround.
Kind regards,
ThierryOctober 7, 2016 at 4:40 pm #3875Hi Thierry,
Unfortunately, I have no experience in this area.
I presume there is some issue associated with extents or metrics, but it would take some research to figure this out.
After running your workaround/hack sizing the embedded Excel objects via the Word object model, you should get a pretty good idea of what your markup should be by looking at the markup after Word does its thing, do you not?
Best, Eric
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