open xml regularExp

Home Forums Open-Xml-Sdk-JavaScript open xml regularExp

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  selvakumar 8 years, 10 months ago.

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    Hi Eric,
    I did the work with your guidance. thanks Eric, replace the content in template with open xml sdk, did in java script, sorry to again asking, I am facing the multiple run issue with the presentation template. If the openxmlRegExp is available in java script means , it will help to complete the task with perfection. I am waiting for the day openxmlRegExp java script version available.

    note: I watched the video but, I feel difficult to convert into java script code.

    Thanks and Regards


    Eric White

    I totally understand, but it is going to be quite some time, if ever, before I do the conversion of that module to JavaScript.

    Mainly this would come about when I have work or a contract that requires it.

    So you should not wait for this, but consider ways to complete your project without it.



    Thanks Eric,

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