OpenXmlRegex Replace content using replacement pattern

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This topic contains 1 reply, has 1 voice, and was last updated by  ajan 7 years, 7 months ago.

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    Hi, trying to use OpenXmlRegex I started with the Example TextReplace01.cs, especially the replacement with pattern, because this is what I need. But:

                    // Replace content using replacement pattern (paragraph 18)
                    content = xDoc.Descendants(W.p).Skip(17).Take(1);
                    regex = new Regex($"({leftDoubleQuotationMarks})(video)({rightDoubleQuotationMarks})");
                    count = OpenXmlRegex.Replace(content, regex, "$1audio$3", null, true, "John Doe");
                    Console.WriteLine("Example #20 Replaced: {0}", count);

    gives me paragraph 18 looking like this:

    The first $1audio$3 is like the second $1audio$3 but not like the third ‘video’.

    wich is obviously not what I have expected. Have I got something wrong?



    Found the solution: after pulling and building the newest Version from repository it worked fine. The nuget Version seems not to have this option.
    Great work!

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