Reading data from ActiveX Controls

Home Forums SpreadsheetML Reading data from ActiveX Controls

This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  meservey 7 years, 9 months ago.

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    Hi Eric,

    First just want to thank you for putting this blog together as certain bits of information about Open XML use with regard to Excel have been hard to come by. Now to my question. How do you read a value that a user has entered from a ComboBox and TextBox which are both ActiveX controls embedded on a spreadsheet? There is no peep of an answer from Microsoft or anywhere else when I do a google search. I also went so far as to unzip a .xlsm spreadsheet file and searched all the xml files and could not find the value that I had these two controls set to.


    Jim Snyder

    If you are using the Open XML SDK 2.5, you can use reflection to generate a file of the meta information within the spreadsheet. Unlike renaming the .xlsx file to .zip, the reflection is giving you the Open XML code to recreate your spreadsheet. You can run it right away and see if the ActiveX controls were regenerated or not.



    Jim, do you have some sample code that would do this? Seems like it would be rather slow as I have 40+ workbooks that I need to read. But then again maybe not. Is there a way to just read the ActiveX controls without recreating them or is this the only way?

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