Search and replace in a file – in memory

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This topic contains 2 replies, has 2 voices, and was last updated by  Eric White 8 years, 4 months ago.

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    I am trying to replace text in a template document in memory only, and it is not working.

    For example the following will work (if I write the file to disk before doing the search and replace)

     using (WordprocessingDocument finalDoc = WordprocessingDocument.Open(destDocxFi.FullName, true))
                TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(newDoc, "<TitlePageGroupAndCode>", _caTitle, true);
                TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(newDoc, "<TitlePageBargainingAgentName>", _bargainingAgentName, true);
                TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(newDoc, "<TitlePageGroupName>", _groupName, true);
                TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(newDoc, "<TitlePageExpiryDate>", _expiryDate, true);
                TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(newDoc, "<CopyrightBargainingAgentName>", _bargainingAgentName, true);

    However if I try to simply use the document in-memory as follows, it does not work:

     WmlDocument doc = HtmlToWmlConverter.ConvertHtmlToWml(defaultCss, usedAuthorCss, userCss, html, settings, null, null);
                //doc = null;
                // grab our template based on language.
                var templatePath = Server.MapPath(String.Format("~/Content/{0}", 1 == 1 ? "CATemplate_English.docx" : "CATemplate_French.docx"));
                var templateDoc = new WmlDocument(templatePath);
                templateDoc.SearchAndReplace("<TitlePageGroupAndCode>", _caTitle, true);
                templateDoc.SearchAndReplace("<TitlePageBargainingAgentName>", _bargainingAgentName, true);
                templateDoc.SearchAndReplace("<TitlePageGroupName>", _groupName, true);
                templateDoc.SearchAndReplace("<TitlePageExpiryDate>", _expiryDate, true);
                templateDoc.SearchAndReplace("<CopyrightBargainingAgentName>", _bargainingAgentName, true);
                List<Source> sources = new List<Source>();
                sources.Add(new Source(templateDoc, true));
                sources.Add(new Source(doc, false));
                var newDoc = DocumentBuilder.BuildDocument(sources);
                //newDoc = null;
                sources = null;

    Any thoughts?

    I have also tried to do the search and replace on the merged document, with the same issue: no text is replaced.

    • This topic was modified 8 years, 5 months ago by  gamartin.


    OK I was able to get this to work in memory. I guess the behaviour when you save the file is different than when you just work in memory.

    I if do it thusly it works:

     // open our template and do our quick search and replace
                var templateDoc = new WmlDocument(templatePath);
                templateDoc = TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(templateDoc, "<TitlePageGroupAndCode>", _caTitle, true);
                templateDoc = TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(templateDoc, "<TitlePageBargainingAgentName>", _bargainingAgentName, true);
                templateDoc = TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(templateDoc, "<TitlePageGroupName>", _groupName, true);
                templateDoc = TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(templateDoc, "<TitlePageExpiryDate>", _expiryDate, true);
                templateDoc = TextReplacer.SearchAndReplace(templateDoc, "<CopyrightBargainingAgentName>", _bargainingAgentName, true);




    Eric White

    Great, glad you got it working.

    Check out this MSDN article:

    Cheers, Eric

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