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  • in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #3223


    ok i just found the code on your website, the ChartUpdater… wish i knew of that before but sometimes jump in and try to grind out code. I had copied/transcribed all the code from watching and pausing the youtube video

    so by modifying this to point to my .docx and putting a content control around the chart it found it and modified the contents by magic. so now onto a new phase of trying to make this work

    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #3222


    HI Eric

    can you please suggest alternative approaches to putting the chart onto the word doc? it seems like a kludge to have some script to make an image of the finished chart in jquery then save it and post the image into a word doc, but this trying to modify the chart vars is a brick wall, time is a big factor, needed to be working by noon today.

    just to make sure, is it true that a chart does NOT work like a table in that i used the open xml sdk productivity tool 2.5 to view source and reproduced the table, in a few thousand lines of code, which was no problem; no matter what is done, such as comment out the numericvalue nv1 part and write it anyway? word says the file is corrupt

    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #3221


    worked on this over the weekend on another platform, still couldnt make it work.

    today, looking at the values with the mouse-over when its stopped at the above line, nc.Elements< the ‘nc’ has all the details of the chart, the results item? has the 3 series’ of data there.

    just not getting how this works. tried referencing elements 0 – 3 all get an out of bounds exception

    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #2857

      C.NumericValue nv1 = nc.Elements<C.NumericValue>().ElementAt(1)

    now it faults out, specified argument was out of the range of valid values.\r\nParameter name: index

    i found the chart, but it will not get past this. dont know why

    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #2851


    I got it all to run, had to double check.

    but now Im just not able to find the chart. I made a winForms application that will iterate thru the Word.docx and ‘show’ whats there. But in the actual app itself it will not get past drawing.

        byte[] byteArray = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(Server.MapPath("~/mydoc.docx"));
     using (MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream())
                    mem.Write(byteArray, 0, (int)byteArray.Length);
                    using (WordprocessingDocument wordDoc =
                        WordprocessingDocument.Open(mem, true))
                        //start of the chart processing
                        string rid = null;
                        Paragraph ppp = wordDoc.MainDocumentPart.Document.Body.Elements<Paragraph>().FirstOrDefault();
                        if(ppp != null)
                            Drawing ddd = ppp.Descendants<Drawing>().FirstOrDefault();
                            if(ddd != null)
                                C.ChartReference cr = ddd.Descendants<C.ChartReference>().FirstOrDefault();
                                if(cr != null)

    the chart is at the end of the word document. there are tables and paragraphs. how could the contents be displayed?

    In the winform test app, it uses the exact same code to find and open the word doc and make into the stream, so its just as above except its got this.

         foreach (DocumentFormat.OpenXml.OpenXmlElement xde in ppp)
                                // richTextBox1.Text += "par = " + xde.InnerText.ToString() + "\n";
                                richTextBox1.Text += "val = " + xde.InnerText.ToString();

    to toss into the textbox what it encounters so i could get an idea how to find it. but am not finding the chart and do not know what to look for

    • This reply was modified 8 years, 10 months ago by  rogersb. Reason: clarify
    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #2579


    Im trying to implement the basic code to access the chart, but get stuck

    referencing the video at about the 6:21 mark,

     using (Stream strr = epp.GetStream())
                        using (MemoryStream memst = new MemoryStream())
                            CopyStream(strr, memst);
                            using (SpreadsheetDocument spreadsheetDoc = SpreadsheetDocument.Open(memst, true))

    CopyStream, oddly has a red underline. am trying to copy this line by line from the video, is there code from that video available?

    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #2578


    watching the xml videos, VERY WELL DONE! this is info I needed to learn. worked with XElement for a few years, didnt know some of this. NodesBeforeSelf? cool

    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #2569


    is there something thats supposed to be added in to visual studio 2015 to make it know about openxml power tools?

    in searching I also found the detail that some questions would move to stack overflow? Really hope NOT, Id say thats not good, ask a question there and get flamed, reviled and down voted and called stupid and every name in the book. they have traffic but the stack overflow community SUCKS. Ive done this pushing 40 years, was in the IEEE and other groups, couple years ago hit by a car on my bicycle and have struggled to get my energy and abilities back, have challenges to write it their way apparently. Getting ridiculed as an idiot by stack overflow I take as an insult, I know what professional engineering and team work in many successful groups is. What stack overflow has is hacker level types who dont.

    Code Project, MSDN and have forums with professional people, my 2 cents is use them instead

    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #2568


    I have tried every example and link to install power tools. i have it in vs2015, ive reinstalled it i installed GIT and cloned it i ran the solutions.

    in the example to open a word doc? I drag the .docx file onto visual studio, it will NOT open it. i had this for vs2013 and used it before, it was simple then. this time something’s missing

    i cannot figure out how to use or add the power tools

    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #2567


    the video you have there
    shows the wrong URL, missing the ‘e’ it says sourcforge instead of sourceforge. it takes you to some dark domain

    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #2566


    trying to put the latest power tools in vs 2015 pro. cannot figure out how. open powershell ISE
    the term ‘git’ is not recognized as ….

    in your video it uses mingw32… will keep trying

    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #2565


    thats impressive that you did all of that. I started watching the videos, at #1 – 5 then realized you said 11 – 13. I heard c# added some new features like this, interesting. I started in the 70s and have seen functional, alot of assembler, then interfaces and controllers, cpu/mem (hw/sw). i learned Java but didnt use it much, mostly visual studio or some other ui’s. really liked cpu design and next address concepts and internal microcode.

    when coming into .net the delegate was the most difficult thing. didnt have to use them too much. i came from old C, so c# is just fun. But now expanding to web programming, slowly getting used to it. will keep looking at the videos, they’re very well done.

    If you want to have me try to do small modules at a time to duplicate the openxml for javascript, I will try if you let me know just what to do.

    In this project its a final report, the user would not change the chart, although if that helps reduce complexity or not, am not sure.

    thought it was going to be easy to put a chart onto the word docx. but now if we made the javascript version happen, would i be able for instance to use the dhtmlx chart app in jquery and generate and drop it into the openxml doc? if i can help create the charting code let me know

    will finish the videos and try again,

    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #2552


    Ok I watched the video and so it seems a bit complicated to drill down into the values area for the chart and the cached values, its do-able but my follow up question would be: can the chart values be attached to content controls that are named and you find those controls and change them?

    In my case my chart is at the end of the document so i could take my doc template that is used for all the other data, draw out my horizontal bar chart with maybe values of 1, but somehow associate the values to content controls. The names of the 3 series’ will always be the same just the data and it is a 0-100% kind of chart. In the jquery chart i had to add another series with the other part of the bar to fill in to 100% so 100 – first series = 2nd series, or if first series > 100 then first series = 100

    But thats easy. I have been trying without luck to put a chart in a word.docx then open it with the sdk tool and get the code to duplicate it; embed that code in my method, it runs but the resulting docx file is “corrupted” and wont open.

    I was able to do this with table embedding, not sure why its not working.

    But is the content control link to parameters possible?


    in reply to: How to add a jquery chart to an openxml word doc? #2546


    Thanks Eric
    I was having to modify the existing layout of an openxml word doc, adding extra rows to a table, kept getting errors when opening with Word. Finally figured out that with the 16+ items for each cell that seem to have nearly arbitrary numbers, for each group Id replace the

    paragraphProperties4000.Append(paragraphStyleId4000); and for the section but 4000 on all of these, as it applies. then i can copy it, then do a find/replace to something else like 7500, a different number completely then its easier to read.

    but the problem now? I seem to crash visual studio. I thought ok it works great i want to make a copy of my new mvc controller. select the name then copy then paste and it adds a controllername-copy file. and for some reason today, visual studio is saying, about my file with 0 errors: 1578 Errors. Type … already defines a member called ‘contentcontrols’ with the same parameter types file Mycontroller-Copy.cs

    i already deleted it, removed it from the project. Still there. But anyway making the reference numbers 4 digits wide in the 1000’s made it much easier to read, for me

    Adding the graph, it will be running on a server that does not have Office so its got to be created in OpenXML. I looked at all the links, thank you, and will be on this once the errors get cleared

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