OpenXmlPackage.addPart(uri, contentType, partType, data)

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Adds the specified part to the package. Note that after adding the part, you must separately create relationships to the part.


    openXmlDoc.addPart(uri, contentType, partType, data)


    uri: The path to the part in the zip package.
    contentType: The content type of the new part. openXml.contentTypes contains a list of most commonly used content types.
    partType: A string that contains either "xml" or "base64". Use "base64" to add binary parts such as images.
    data: There are three options for this argument.
    - You can pass a string that contains valid XML.
    - Use "base64" to add binary parts usch as images.
    - If you are creating an XML part, you can also pass an XDocument or XElement object.


    var newCommentPart = doc.addPart("/comments.xml",
        openXml.contentTypes.wordprocessingComments, "xml", comments);
        "../comments.xml", "Internal");


var doc = new openXml.OpenXmlPackage(blankDocument_base64);
var mainPart = doc.mainDocumentPart();
var xDoc = mainPart.getXDocument();
var firstPara = xDoc.descendants(W.p).firstOrDefault();
var newFirstPara = new XElement(W.p,
    new XElement(W.commentRangeStart,
        new XAttribute(, "1")),
    new XElement(W.r,
        new XElement(W.t, "This is a paragraph that contains a comment.")),
    new XElement(W.r,
        new XElement(W.commentReference,
            new XAttribute(, "1"))),
    new XElement(W.commentRangeEnd,
        new XAttribute(, "1")));
var comments = new XElement(W.comments,
    new XAttribute(XNamespace.xmlns + "w", wNs.namespaceName),
    new XElement(W.comment,
        new XAttribute(, "1"),
        new XElement(W.p,
            new XElement(W.r,
                new XElement(W.t, "A comment")))));
var newCommentPart = doc.addPart("/comments.xml",
    "xml", comments);
    "../comments.xml", "Internal");
return {
    returnedDocument: doc.saveToBase64(),
    defaultDocumentName: "DocumentWithComment.docx",
    output: ["This example added a comment to the document.",
        "Click the 'Save' button to save the modified document to a local drive.  If you do not see a 'Save' button, you do not have Flash available, and can't save the document."]