The use of LINQ to XML for JavaScript

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Open XML SDK for JavaScript
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The Open XML SDK for JavaScript uses LINQ to XML for JavaScript, which is an open source project on CodePlex that enables the use of many of the convenient patterns and idioms of LINQ to XML for the .NET Framework.

Read more about the API and idioms in the LINQto XML for JavaScript Overview.  The overview contains a listing of the types, methods and properties of LINQ to XML for JavaScript.

You can find forums, discussions of issues, and the source code at Linq to XML for JavaScript on CodePlex.

LINQ to XML for JavaScript, in turn, has a dependency on the LINQ for JavaScript project, also on CodePlex.

One of the most powerful patterns that we find with LINQ to XML for JavaScript is that of Recursive Pure Functional Transformations (RPFT).  Here is a screen-cast series on writing Recursive Pure Functional Transformations.

You also need to be familiar with the pre-initialized Open XML Element and Attribute Names.